Golfing as a hobby is good for your health

I’ve posted this piece under news because I think it should be treated as such. Many folks out there don’t think of golf as an overly physical activity but a research published late last year at the university of Edinburgh shows that a game of golf can be quite the exercise and that playing golf on a regular basis has many good health benefits.

Golfing as a hobby is good for your health

It’s really no surprise that university of Edinburgh would conduct such a study, we Scots did invent the game after all. Study found that playing golf helps people with cardiovascular disease, diabetics, people who have problems breathing and even those suffering depression.

According to the study, how much exercise you get during a standard game of golf depends weather or not you use a golf cart. During a standard game of golf, 18 holes, without using a cart the player walks up to 8 miles. Those who do use a cart go half that, 4 miles. On average a total of 500 calories is lost during a game of golf. Health benefits of walking are pretty obvious to everyone, however the research showed that those who play golf reduced the risk of anxiety, depression and dementia later on in life. Health benefits of golf increase with age. All in all, golf is no pushover when it comes to physical activity and we now have conclusive proof of that. Tell that to your friends when they tease you for playing golf, which I’m sure they do, at least some. Just like mine tease me. That’s it for now. Cheers until next time.